24 April 2023

"Profile of an Angel" was shown in the Victory Park Residences art space

The exhibition "Profile of an Angel" has opened in the art space of the elite residential complex Victory Park Residences near Victory Park.

The exposition includes 13 paintings, lithographs and 5 original sculptures. You can view the works until May 16, 2023.
The leitmotif of the exposition is the history of images of angels in art from the 18th century to the present day. The title work was the return to Russia of Joshua Reynolds' Cupid Untying the Belt of Venus (17th century), purchased by Prince Potemkin for himself along with another version of the painting, bought for the collection of Empress Catherine II and located in the State Hermitage Museum. The nineteenth century is reflected in the exhibition with a large-scale masterpiece "Erato and the Angel" by a member of the English Academy of Arts Robert Christies, and the beginning of the XX century - by the Spanish painter Enrico Serra.
The post-war period is represented by a large section of works on paper by Marc Chagall, in whose lithographs the angel is one of the most frequently encountered images. The modern reading embodies Alexander Sigutin's diptych "Archangels" and two works by the Japanese artist Kozuki Watanabe - "Angel's Eye" and "Angel's Heart". The sculpture in the exposition is represented by surreal works by Salvador Dali, made of bronze. "The Snail and the Angel" occupies a special place in the master's work, as it refers to the artist's meeting with Sigmund Freud. Weightless angels, able to overcome the gravity of the Earth, become a lyrical expression of the dream world and Dali's fantasy. Among the sculptures, one can see one of the artist's favorite images - a plastic, fluid clock, and rethink the place of man in history.
“We follow the principles of modern development, when it is important not only to take care of the quality of construction and the beauty of architecture, but also to create a truly comfortable and aesthetic atmosphere in our projects, creating a certain environment for development and creativity, filling people's lives with new meanings. That is why we have turned our client office into a real art space. Here everyone can touch the beauty and feel the art, plunging into the atmosphere of the future life in the complex of elite mansions Victory Park Residences,” commented by commercial director of ANT Development.”
Works of art for the exposition "Angel Profile" were provided by the international investment fund of venture investors "Angels Deck". The exhibition is held with the support of partners - Volkhonka Art Projects and RAMTRUCK

Source: antdevelopment.ru

Victory Park Residences

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